Iran Vaseline


Iran Vaseline

Iran Vaseline

In 1870, Vaseline makes its debut as the latest and most innovative product on the American skin-care market. Wanting to learn more about petroleum and its uses, British chemist, Robert Chesebrough travelled to Titusville, Pennsylvania in 1859 where abundant crude oil reserves had been recently discovered.Being such a long-existing product in the realm of skin care, Vaseline’s use of energy throughout its life cycle warrants better understanding. It is a common misconception to think of energy solely as part of a product’s actual processing and manufacturing, instead of viewing the involvement of energy in the life-cycle of a product from the acquisition of raw materials through its disposal.Vaseline is disposed along with the waste of petroleum and other oils because it is primarily composed of white petrolatum. Currently, discharging the waste into waterways beneath the earth, injecting it underground after being treated to reduce its toxicity, and burying it within landfills is how waste companies dispose of oil.

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