Iran liquid paraffin manufacturer

 Iran liquid paraffin manufacturer

 Iran liquid paraffin manufacturer

 Iran liquid paraffin manufacturer

Iran liquid paraffin manufacturer liquid paraffin is made from highly refined base oils and is made up of saturated paraffinic hydrocarbons and cycloparaffin. In liquid paraffin, the purification process means the complete removal of aromatic compounds, sulfur and nitrogen. Some common methods of oil refining to obtain light liquid paraffin oil are: thermal separation and chemical fractionation. Liquid petrolatum (mineral oil, liquid paraffin) is a petroleum liquid phase obtained by distilling the residual petroleum liquid at 330°F and decolorizing it.

liquid paraffin factory

Persia Paraffin Company is one of the leaders of the market in the field of production, export and brokerage of all kinds of high-quality liquid paraffin.

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