Normal Paraffin

Normal Paraffin

Normal Paraffin

Normal Paraffin

Normal Paraffin is the major raw material for the manufacture of LAB. Normal Paraffin is extracted from kerosene which contains an average of 20/25% paraffin and therefore is generally produced close to a refinery as the kerosene, free of the paraffin removed has to be returned to the refinery. Over 80% of Normal Paraffin is used for production of LAB the remaining N-Paraffin may be further processed to obtain special solvents used for various industrial applications including synthetic resins, paints and varnishes, degreasing agents and printing inks. Normal paraffin operate as a dissolver in industrial for producing polymers and resins, colors, artistic coverings and grease polisher.

Normal Paraffin Application

Normal paraffin operate as a dissolver in industrial for producing polymers and resins, colors, artistic coverings and grease polisher.

Normal Paraffin Packing

Normal Paraffin is dedicating in Bulk. Also, our Normal Paraffin packed in new or second hand 180/200 kg drums, ISO tank, and flexi tanks. Each 20 foot container takes 110 drummed Normal Paraffin.

Persia Paraffin is a producer of Vaseline and Liquid Paraffin in the service of esteemed customers

Normal Paraffin TDS



Test Method



Density at 60 Fْ   kg/L

0.74 – 0.76

ASTM  D-4052

Colour Saybolt

(+30) Min

ASTM  D-156


Weak, Typical


N-Paraffin wt %

Min 98.0

UOP 411 or UOP 863-85
or UOP 915

C9 & lighter wt %

Less Than 0.2

UOP 411 or UOP 915

C10 wt %

Less Than 18.0

UOP 411 or UOP 915

C11 wt %

25 – 45

UOP 411 or UOP 915

C12 wt %

25 – 40

UOP 411 or UOP 915

C13 wt %

14 – 25

UOP 411 or UOP 915

C14 wt %

Less Than 1.0

UOP 411 or UOP 915

C15 & Higher wt %

Less Than  0.1

UOP 411 or UOP 915

AV. Mol. wt

160 – 165

UOP 411 or UOP 915

Br. Indx mg / 100g

25 Max

ASTM  D-2710 or ASTM D-1491
or ASTM D-1492

Aromatic Content wt %

Less Than 0.4

UOP 495

Sulphur ppm

Less Than 3

ASTM D-3120 or UOP 727

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