Iran Polyethylene Wax

Iran Polyethylene Wax

Iran Polyethylene Wax

Iran Polyethylene Wax

Iran Polyethylene Wax, also known as PE Wax, is an ultra low molecular weight polyethylene consisting of ethylene monomer chains. Iran Polyethylene Wax has a large variety of uses and applications. Polyethylene Wax is available from on-purpose production and as a byproduct of polyethylene production. This material is available in both HDPE and LDPE forms. As there are many grades and types available, please inquire so that one of our knowledgeable representatives can assist you in locating the correct grade that matches your requirements.
There are a variety of methods for producing Polyethylene wax.  Polyethylene Wax can be made by direct polymerization of ethylene under special conditions that control molecular weight. Another method involves breaking down high molecular weight polyethylene into lower molecular weight fractions. A third method involves separation of the low molecular weight fraction from high molecular weight polymer. Persia Paraffin produces all kinds of liquid paraffin, paraffin wax and Vaseline to serve its esteemed customers to get familiar with chemical and mineral substances, visit the website

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