Tag - Heal wounds petroleum jelly

Petroleum jelly,cosmetic applications

Petroleum jelly,cosmetic applications Relieve dry skin, including your lips and eyelids. Dry skin can flake, itch, crack and even bleed. Since ointments are more effective and less irritating than lotions, consider applying petroleum jelly to dry skin, including your lips and eyelids. The skin on your eyelids is the thinnest skin on the body and can get irritated easily. If your...

Petroleum jelly, 5 ways to use for skin care

Petroleum jelly, 5 ways to use for skin care Petroleum jelly, can have multiple skin care uses for the entire family.The skin is the body’s largest organ, so it’s important to take good care of it. However, doing so doesn’t necessarily mean breaking the bank. In fact, a common, inexpensive product found in most people’s medicine cabinets, is Petroleum Jelly To save...